Empowering Educational Staff: Simplifying Active Directory Password Resets

Oxford Computer Group recently worked with an educational institution seeking to empower non-technical staff to reset Active Directory passwords for students without relying on the helpdesk whenever a password was forgotten. This reliance had been causing an excessive workload for the help desk prompting the need for a more cost and time-effective solution.   It… Read more…

Posted: April 11, 2024
People looking at charts

Navigating Organizational Transformations: IAM’s Crucial Role in Mergers, Demergers, and IPOs

In the dynamic landscape of mergers, demergers, and IPOs, one constant remains: no two organizations are identical. While the world may perceive similarities, the nuances in corporate culture, demographics, history, and market approach are undeniable. Let’s set aside personal emotions, power struggles, and positional battles for a moment and examine the effect of change on Identity and Access Management (IAM).  Read more…

Posted: December 20, 2023

Elevating Your IAM: A Source for Continuous Monitoring and Auditing

We’ve all been through the routine visits from an inspector (ICT controller, auditor, accountant, tax authority) sometimes accompanied by several juniors. The days or weeks leading up to their arrival are filled with questioning and collecting information. It’s the classic dance of ensuring everything is running by the book, but is it? Read more…

Posted: December 20, 2023

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