Elevating Your IAM: A Source for Continuous Monitoring and Auditing

We’ve all been through the routine visits from an inspector (ICT controller, auditor, accountant, tax authority) sometimes accompanied by several juniors. The days or weeks leading up to their arrival are filled with questioning and collecting information. It’s the classic dance of ensuring everything is running by the book, but is it?

More and more costs and time are invested in such snapshots – and often issues are still found. After the visit, time is spent on corrections/improvements, and peace returns… until the next periodic check-up. In between the checks, the organization is increasingly in violation or non-compliant – always a concern but especially when related to financial or security risks.

Enter Continuous Monitoring and Auditing – the dynamic duo that can revolutionize your approach to compliance.

Beyond Snapshots: Embracing Continuous Monitoring 

Rather than relying solely on periodic snapshots, imagine if your systems could proactively monitor rule violations in real-time and report them promptly to the right stakeholders. The source data for continuous monitoring and auditing is already available. The challenge is to know where to find the information, retrieve it, and present it in a usable format. 

Unleashing the Power of Your IAM 

Your Identity Access Management (IAM) platform holds the key. A well-designed IAM environment not only keeps an up-to-date record of persons, identities, groups, rights, and permissions but also provides a historical perspective. This treasure trove of data becomes the backbone for continuous monitoring and auditing. 

Bridging the Gap: The IAM Advantage 

With the right IAM tool and setup, you can empower your organization to perform fine-grained, automatic checks based on your rules. By leveraging reporting options and notifications, you can track (non-)compliance issues and address violations promptly. Your IAM becomes your day-to-day ICT controller, ensuring that your data integrity is always maintained. 

A Smooth Sailing Audit Experience 

When auditors come knocking, your IAM has everything in order – reports, notifications, and a seamlessly monitored system. Your employees can breathe easy, knowing that compliance is not a periodic struggle but an ongoing, integrated part of your IT landscape. 

In conclusion, your IAM isn’t just a tool; it’s your ally in the relentless quest for compliance excellence. Embrace continuous monitoring and auditing and let your IAM be the superhero that keeps your IT environment shipshape, day in and day out. 

Here’s to a future of proactive compliance and worry-free audits! 

If you would like to discuss how to make better use of your IAM system, contact us now.

(Article originally posted on Trusted-ID website)